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School Account


School Account

School canteen account

The school administration allows to add canteens and add students who were unable to register and help them in the transfer of payday in their e-wallet. Create accounts for Sellers Review the registered students.

Admin Privileges:

  • Add and manage canteens.

  • Add and manage students.

  • Browse canteen products.

  • View student purchases.

  • Topped up.

  • Transfer credit to student e-wallet.

Apple Store Maqsafy App
Google Play Maqsafy App
App Gallery Maqsafy App

How to Register

Icon for maqsafy app
  1. Fill out the school account form below.

  2. Your login information will be sent to your phone or Email.

  3. Download the app from Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

  4. select the “Log in” option

  5. Add student who was unable to register.

  6. Add canteen account.

  7. Add Seller account.

  8. Manage the store and sales.

Sign-Up Form School Account

Thank you! Request received


The school Head can visit Maqsafy's library to view photos and enriching content, as well as using them for promoting the usage of the application.

Guardian's Speech

The Head of the school can broadcast this to the student guardians to introduce them to the use of Maqsafy at school.

User Manual

The Head of the school can send the user manual to students and guardians, as it includes a full guide on the usage of the application in clear detail.


The school Head can view Maqsafy's profile which contains a brief introduction to the application as well as an introduction to its accounts and user manuals.

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