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About Us Maqsafy
The Commercial Settlement Company (closed joint-stock) is a Saudi company working in the field of developing electronic payment systems through its team and its partners inside and outside Saudi Arabia, where the company implemented the project of the Maqsafy application through online app stores (Apple App Store and Google Play Store), and the services provided are centred around five primary elements.
Maqsafy App Accounts
Canteen Account
Canteen owners can add their products, sell them, and receive pre-orders, as the money is received from the students' portfolios completely electronically. This is because the canteen account is created through the school account. In addition, canteen accounts can be used to request suppliers to supply their canteens daily.

Staff Account
It enables the driver to view his account, receive orders from suppliers, and deliver the order to canteens, where the supplier can create accounts for drivers and then select delivery trips that include products and the address of the school "canteen".
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